CA Impact Report 2021/22
Envoy is a free 24 week resource, laid out in 4 phases which provides people with knowledge and guidance about evangelism and practical pointers to help them develop their own unique way of evangelism. It includes step-by-step community coaching, podcasts and a platform for people to develop friendships and deepen confidence about their evangelism.

stories from envoy participants
stories from envoy participants
Envoy communities are encouraged to practice seeing God's unique gifts in people and sharing that with them. One participant really took to this and has practiced it numerous times in her workplace. She has noticed the value of encouraging people with God-given words and pictures, and it often opens up faith conversations with people she talks to.
Envoy communities equip people to give evangelism a go in their own context. Through Envoy, one participant was able to hone her passion for evangelism. She now runs an open coffee morning in her local community centre, where the goal is to have meaningful conversations with whoever turns up. She has also had faith conversations with her neighbours and started a church service in the care home where she works.
Envoy communities encourage people to find their own unique way of doing evangelism. Another participant often compared herself with others around her who were doing evangelism. This made her feel inadequate. Through Envoy, she realised that she has been called to do evangelism in her own way rather than copying what others do. She has settled into her own style of evangelism and now feels confident in reaching people around her for Jesus.