beyond the boundaries
CA Impact Report 2021/22
Beyond the Boundaries
The Impact Report shows how the money you have given has been used to fund our work, particularly through our Centres of Mission and key projects, to transform lives and communities as we seek to work beyond the boundaries of the church, reaching people in need where they are. The work of CA Evangelists also goes beyond the boundaries of the work funded by Church Army and can be found in many places, some of which you can read about here.
Our vision is to reach as many people as possible, particularly those on the margins of society who are struggling through some of life’s toughest situations. Through all of the work of those associated with CA, funded projects, partnerships, and Commissioned Evangelists, we continue to extend our reach to those people society doesn’t see.
How does it work?
Training has always been a huge element of Church Army’s work. We train passionate people who want to change the world around them. After graduating, some of the people who train with us go on to be part of our funded work, but many go on to pursue their passion in their own contexts. This way our work is not limited to work that is funded but allows us to create networks of people around the UK and Ireland who are choosing hope as their life-calling.
Who are they?
Our Evangelists work with many groups of people in areas across the UK and Ireland; from mainstream communities to some of the most marginalised and niche groups that are often overlooked by the majority of the population. Some are chaplains:
Gill Martin is a prison chaplain working with female prisoners offering support, comfort and responding the spiritual needs of prisoners.
Val Thom works with a marginalised community of marching bands in Northern Ireland.
Nikki Thornhill is a Navy Chaplain in the south of England and works with many of the servicemen and servicewomen on the naval base.